Resources, Tips and Content for Children's Ministry and Family Life Leaders


If you haven’t heard of the latest strategy that’s been catching on for some time in children’s ministry, youth ministry and family life departments, then you might be missing the boat! The ORANGE strategy comes from Reggie Joiner and the ReThink … [Continue reading]

The Volunteer Engine

Church ministries run on volunteer fuel, and yet rarely does it seem that their tanks are full. Even when momentum is good, energy is abundant and it feels like a well-oiled machine, leaders know that without proper maintenance and a scheduled … [Continue reading]

One Key Point

Making stories stick requires intentionality on the part of the storyteller. When prepping to tell a children's Bible story, you must be willing to think through comprehension and life application acquisition skills. In other words, consider what … [Continue reading]

How To Share The Gospel

Have you ever finished telling a Bible story and in that moment wished you knew how to tie it in to the Gospel Message? In my early days I would feel the Holy Spirit nudging me, but I just didn't know how to make a smooth transition. I would feel so … [Continue reading]

How To Tell A Bible Story (Part 2)

Now that you've done the prep work, you're ready to begin stacking up your key ingredients to stonepile the story. Begin by Laying a Solid foundation. Show your audience where the story is found in the Bible. Open up the pages, read the … [Continue reading]

How To Tell A Bible Story (Part 1)

When telling a Bible story, it's important to maintain the integrity of the text, know the point you want to communicate, and diligently prepare so that you can fully engage your listeners. You'll find a simple story prep worksheet in the … [Continue reading]

Better Before Bigger

It should always be our goal to get better. After all, we work for the God of the universe who is creative and loves excellence. In fact, our efforts are just another way to honor Him, offer praise and glorify His Name. Becoming “Bigger” does not … [Continue reading]

Why Stonepile Studios?

The name “Stonepile” represents a moment in history when God instructed Joshua to pile 12 stones to create a monument. The monument was to be a reminder to the people of Israel to tell their children what God had done for them so that they, too, … [Continue reading]